Who is Dr. Arlene Taylor? She is a brain function expert and holds not just 1, but 2 PhD's in brain function. Music and brain function are also related, so any activities we can do that will strengthen the connection of neurons and right and left side of the brain are important in which to participate.
Brain Benders help to keep our neurons strong and healthy! According to Dr. Taylor, "neurons get stronger with mental exercise."
What is a Brain Bender? "A type of brain aerobic exercise designed to challenge and stimulate us neurons ...".
A riddle is a brain bender. Here is one on page xii of Dr. Taylor's book:
1. Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?
Another Brain Bender are words that a put in a certain way and represent a phrase. Check out these brain benders in the picture below to see if you can figure out the answers!
The first one is: uni-cycle
See if you can figure out any of the others! I will provide the answers tomorrow!
Try and write your own brain bender. The words can go any direction and can even be broken up by other letters.
Ms. Miller wrote one, it may be one someone has already thought of, but this is it: LAD DER
Did you figure it out? it is a broken ladder!
All this is used with permission from Dr. Arlene Taylor. Her brain information can be found at arlenetaylor.org