Thursday, June 18, 2020

Answers to Brain Benders

Hi Tuscany;

In case you checked out the Brain Benders post and are curious about the answers, here they are!

1. Forward I am heavy, backward I am not.   Answer: TON

Box #7:  answer: uni-cycle
Box #8: answer: horseshoe bay, Bay bridge, half-moon bay
Box #9: answer: end of the month (notice the last letter is underlined)
Box #10: answer: backward glance  (the letters spell the word glance, only they are backwards)

I hope you have tried to create your own Brain Bender.  Dr. Arlene Taylor wrote a whole book with Brain Benders and riddles.  She says that "Brain Benders, a type of brain aerobic exercise are designed to challenge and stimulate the neurons... Brain Benders are considered whole-brained puzzles because you need both cerebral hemispheres to solve them.  Most brains use the left hemisphere to figure out the letters and words, while the right hemisphere pays attention to their spatial positioning.  So be careful to note the relative position of the words not only to each other but also to their position in each box." p. vii

So, if you are writing your own puzzle, you need to write your brain bender in a box, as that is important to the meaning of the word.