Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Listening With a Game

Listening and Game

Hello 1's, 2's, 3's, & 4's!  
(remember that this is optional, but you may enjoy learning this game as a family!)

Follow this link for some listening and a cup game.  It would be best to start with the option of watching the game demo and then go back to the written explanation of the game that also shows the rhythms.  Maybe you and your family could all learn the cup passing game together!  It would be good for a rainy day.   

Use "Entry of the Gladiators" , the first Listening activity that is posted on the page.

1. Start with the listening log.
2. Go to the play along and be ready with your own way to tap the rhythms you see.
3. Watch Cup Game instructions.
4. Watch Kids Demo
5. Try the game with your family.

If you were successful and you wish to let me know, I would love to hear from you!