Tongue Twister Challenge
Instruction Video
Hello Grade 3's! Today you are creating your own Tongue Twisters. They help us to relax your tongue, which helps you with singing.
1. Choose a letter for your tongue twister.
2. Find words that go together with that letter into a sentence that kind of makes sense, not just random words stuck together.
3. Keep it short.
4. Write it down and send it to me!
5. You may write one in French if you like! You can also send it to me.
Have fun!
Examples of Tongue Twisters:
1. She sells seashells by the seashore.
2. The slick seal slides sideways.
3. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. He'd chuck all the wood that a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Tongue Twisters from Students:
Liam: Little Liam lost his lemon lime lollipop! great job!
Pierce: Pierce pontificates prose perfectly!
Pierce puts peppers perfectly on pepperoni pizza! great job!