Mini-Lesson grade 4 April 1/20
Hello Grade 4's!
Today we will be practicing lines and spaces on the staff, plus rhythms. Many of you already know this, but in case you need some reminding, please watch the mini-lessons.
Watch this fun video to help you practice lines and spaces on the staff: Pay attention to the evolution of the Treble Clef, as shown on the video:
Also, I would like you to be practicing your music terms:
Dynamics and Tempo.
What words are associated with those terms?
Dynamics: how loud or quiet the music is.
Musicians use Italian terms:
fortissimo, forte, mezzo-forte, mezzo-piano, piano, and pianissimo
Tempo: how fast or slow the music is:
Musicians use Italian terms:
vivace, allegro, andante, lento
What do they mean? ff-very loud; f-loud; mf-medium loud; mp-medium quiet; p-quiet; pp-very quiet
vivace (pronounced vee-vah-chay)-very fast; allegro-fast; andante-medium; lento-slow
How do tempo and dynamics affect the expressive impact of music? What if a lullaby was sung ff? how would that change the impact of that song? Please listen to a selection of music, your choice, try to use two different genres, and analyze what role tempo and dynamics play to increase or decrease the expressive quality and emotional impact.
To assist in practicing terms and the lines and spaces on the staff, please visit the following website:
name: snow
PW: 2020
Find the games called: "Pop Quiz" and practice the terms and the treble clef.